What my younger self would like about my current self
Have you ever wondered what my younger self would like about my current self?
I know my younger self would like the fact that I finished college and obtained a degree, since that was always the plan but I got sidetracked. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to accomplish given that I was working a full time job at the time and going to night school while raising my son. Thanks to my mom who took him during my 2-3 hour evening classes and giving them a bonding experience he’ll never forget.

My younger self would like that I found a good job and became a respected employee. I work for a respectable company, and I’m considered a go-to person no matter what role I take on.
My younger self would like that my sons have grown up to be fine young adults who respect others, care for others, and are just generally good people. Being a single mom for a while, I questioned my abilities to contribute positively to their lives.
My younger self would love that I’ve pursued a blog about craftiness and that it provides me an immense joy, as it does for others. Ever since I was 12-13 years old, I dreamt of having a craft business. And while I’ve tried a few different pursuits, this one seems to fit me best.
My younger self would like that I checked off several items from a bucket list of ideas I had at that age. While some things, like read the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica didn’t happen, other things like marrying my best friend, finishing college, buying a house, and being published did happen.
My younger self would be proud of the woman I’ve become and that I’ve grown as a person. One example that comes to mind is when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was a huge challenge to get through. And thanks to the immense support structure I had, I made it through and became stronger as a result. It shifted things into perspective for me. I used to not keep as clean of a house. As a result, I never felt like we could ever have anyone in the house unless it had just been cleaned. After breast cancer, I realized no one cares, except me and all the pressure I was putting on myself about it. So, come on in. You’ll probably see cat hair and dog hair, and a few dishes sitting on the counter or sink. But I’m okay with that and I’ve learned to give myself grace.

My younger self would like that I’ve continued to be a student of life. While I finished college, I didn’t leave the learning there. I’ve learned in different job roles, I’ve become the go-to person in several of them. I’ve continued to develop my crafting skills in several different areas. And I love learning about self-improvement and productivity.

My younger self would like that I continued to be a reader and writer. When I was younger I was a pretty active reader. And there were phases where I liked to write poetry and letters. Today, I continue to read, mostly in the self-improvement arena, I keep a journal, and I write for my blog.
My younger self would like that I’ve continued to stay healthy and fit. Despite the breast cancer challenge, I’ve maintained my weight, and have continued to stay decently active, allowing me to do things like backpacking at the age of 47. She would also like to see that I’ve taken up a regular practice of yoga and meditation and value the benefits both bring to my life.
My younger self would be so happy to see that I found someone as a companion through this life. Someone who makes me laugh — both at him and at myself — is supportive, and is happy to join whatever new venture life hands us.

My younger self would relish the idea that I developed some of the characteristics of both my mom and my dad. That would get a really big smile out of her.
My younger self would be proud that while I’ve continued to upgrade certain areas of my life, there is always a “don’t forget where you came from” philosophy. I don’t drive brand new cars, I don’t take on unnecessary debit, and I try to be reasonable about purchases. I probably get busted here for my yarn, fabric, and craft purchases. But I don’t go into debt for it.
My younger self would be proud that I’ve given back to my community and continue to do so. Whether that be financially, supporting great causes, or even donating crafted creations to charity groups.
My younger self would be proud to know that I paid off all the stupid credit card debt I had racked up in my early twenties. And that I’ve stayed away from that ever since. I’ve taken on a few car loans, usually paying them off early. And I paid cash for my last car —- all from saving for the past few years —- another bucket list item.
My younger self would like to see that I kept a sense of fashion. While I’m no runway model and don’t have all the modern clothing, I do pull together some pretty cute outfits. She always admired people who showed up to work with good-looking outfits. It almost seemed effortless for those people. With my Grandma as my fashion spirit, I kind of became one of those people my younger self would have admired. And much of that has been confirmed based on the compliments I’ve received about my outfits. Superficial? Probably. But it proves to me that I’ve continued to care about how I look and it makes me feel good. Okay?
My younger self would love the fact that I continue to be crafty, despite taking a bit of a hiatus from it in my late twenties. The little girl of my growing up years who played with Spirographs, and made paper snowflakes, stitched plastic canvas, and learned how to sew would smile that my adult woman brought that little girl along as she grew older.
Final Thoughts On What My Younger Self Would Like About My Current Self
What would your younger self like about your current self? Let’s leave the regrets at the door and focus on the positive things you’ve become. Leave me a note in the comments. I’d love for us all to share in some positive vibes and pump each other up about the person we’ve become. What is it that would put a smile on your younger self about your current self?

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