woman hiking in snow

What I would NOT take with me

“She looked at her old life one more time, took a deep breath, and whispered, ‘I will never see you again’.” (Author Unknown)

Wow. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to go back to your 20-year-old self and make different decisions? For those of us old enough to remember, it would be like the Choose Your Own Adventure books.

Since we can’t do that, except in our dreams, what if we looked at where we’re at now. What things would we take with us to our future self? What things would we leave behind, and as the quote says, ‘never to see you again?’

There are all sorts of things I would bring with me — my husband and our marriage, my kids, our health, my family, our home, a few friends, our talents, most certainly my yarn and crochet hooks LOL. So many, many things I would take with me.

man and woman backpacking

But what are some things you would NOT take with you? Those things that either haven’t helped you and you still hang onto, or maybe things you’ve just outgrown — mentally, emotionally, socially, etc.  Keep in mind, many of these things happened for a reason and there was a lesson in there to be learned. So it’s not that we’re forgetting they ever happened, we’re just choosing not to take them with us to our future selves.

I would leave behind cancer and sickness because we would have developed healthy habits and healthy lifestyles.

I would leave behind any acquaintances who have too much drama and victim mentality and bring in new friends.  

I would leave behind financial worries because we would be financially free.  No more worries about whether we’ll have enough to retire. Or whether we’ll ever be able to retire. Nor whether we can do things that might negatively impact our retirement savings.

I would leave behind some of the limitations we currently have on travel. Money. Time off from work.  Trepidation about traveling to places completely foreign to us (ie. like out of the country).

what i would not take with me

I would leave behind the scarcity mindset surrounding luxurious things, like a secondary home in an area we love to spend time in.

I would leave behind the mindset that I have a lack of time to positively contribute to society and especially those less fortunate because Ron and I would have made that an integral part of our legacy.

I would gladly leave behind my current schedule for my days. Don’t get me wrong, I think a schedule can be quite valuable, but it would be completely different than the one that I currently have.

man and woman embraced

I would leave behind my daily commute because my new commute would be walking down the hallway to my office…maybe in my pjs.

I would leave behind the stress of trying to eat better because we would have figured out programs we can lean on or a chef of some sort who would take care of that worry for us.

I would leave behind ever cleaning my house again because without a scarcity mindset I would allow myself that bit of luxury.

I would leave behind the worry of whether I was a good enough mother and guide for my kids.


I would leave behind the hesitation to take on household projects because I would have access to someone who could help me and guide me.

What are some things you would leave behind if you had the opportunity? Drop a note in the comments below.

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