Wafting Down the Scents of Memory Lane
Have you ever had a scent fall upon you and you’re like, ‘OMG, that’s a smell from my childhood?!’ I have a few of those and it’s interesting that at the time of my childhood, those scents weren’t necessarily all that significant. But boy are they today! They can stop me on a dime and my memory is wicked sharp in that moment remembering the memories they conjure up. It must be like teleporting.
I’ve mentioned walks down memory lane on my blog. And I’ve shared some of my childhood crafts and paid homage to my mother’s influence in my early craft adventures. But today’s post takes us down memory lane again, with our focus on the scents and smells that remind you of good memories, like good childhood memories. And while I can reminisce with the best of them on any number of crafting memories, certain scents can also take me down a rabbit hole of memories.
One of the scents that will send me tumbling down this rabbit hole is the scent I remember of my late Grandma and Grandpa’s neighborhood. There was this aroma of an evergreen, like a shrub. I’m sure it’s because just about every house had one at that time, and since there were lots and lots of houses on top of one another the aroma didn’t have a lot of places to go.
I’ve been out walking through my neighborhood or in a park and I’ll get this sudden, overwhelming scent of that same evergreen and I’m immediately transported back to my grandparent’s house. It’s amazing. And being transported back there brings all sorts of warm memories to mind — riding my bike around their neighborhood, my Grandpa getting down on the floor to play with us, my Grandma’s cooking, sitting on their porch glider feeding the birds and the squirrels. All from a momentary inhale of a particular evergreen. And it must be a specific evergreen, because just any evergreen won’t conjure it up.
Another scent that’ll stop me right quick is when I’m going through some craft supplies or clothing my mom had for a long time. I can tell if something has been hers for a long time because I can pick up a certain scent. I know, I’m making it sound like there is bloodhound blood in my veins. LOL.
And the weird thing is that I don’t notice these aromas when I’m around her or hug her. But if I walk in a room where a lot of her stuff was stored, or her closet, bam there it is. I’ve inherited yarn and fabric and other craft supplies and they all have her scent. Eventually the scent fades away the longer I have the item, but what is it that creates it? Of course, because it’s my mom, it brings loads and loads of good memories.
My mom didn’t wear perfume very often. She was never much into makeup either. On the rare occasions she might wear either, even when those scents catch me these days, I’m taken back in time. I remember the times she would spend getting ready to go out with my dad..something they didn’t do a lot. I see my 9-year old self sitting on the edge of my parent’s bed. And I loved just watching her get ready. Watching her pick up different bottles and such from her dresser. Dabbing something here. Dabbing something there. Putting the bottle back.
When my olfactory lobes absorb these motherly gems, it reminds me of the supportive mother she was to me. The mom who taught me to be crafty. The mom who taught me to cook. The mom who taught me (along with my dad) how to be frugal. And while I didn’t always apply those lessons right away, the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve implemented.
One of the last scents I can think of that will cause my olfactory senses to step up and dance is the scent I remember of my Dad’s tools. I remember he had a metal tool box, heavy as hell. When we would open it, there was a smell there. I’m sure it has something to do with the tools and grease and interaction with all the metal. Maybe it was a certain brand even. I can’t say I really know, but I do know it will stop me dead in my tracks when I smell it. Like, “THAT smells like Dad’s old toolbox.’ Funny, you’d think it would be any and every toolbox but it’s not.
And literally just the other day I was entering a store and was transported back to my pediatrician’s office from when I was a kid….many moons ago! I always attributed that office to the doctor’s cologne. It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good, it just was. And I think whoever was in front of me in the store must’ve had it on.
Isn’t it weird the scents that can flood you with such good emotions and memories? It makes me wonder do I have any scents, of maybe our house, or a certain recipe, that might stop my boys in their tracks in 25 years? And they’ll think, ‘OMG, that reminds me of Mom.’ Or ‘being in the kitchen with Mom.’ And they’ll reminisce of those good times?
What are some scents, odors, aromas that remind you of a time long ago? What emotions do they bring up for you? Let me know in the comments below.
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