• childhood pics

    5 Childhood Pics (and who they made me today)

    Childhood pics. Oh the hairstyles, the fashion sense, and the things we just didn’t know yet. Today I pulled 5 pictures from my childhood and will tell the story behind them. Each of them have at least a shred of the person I am today in them, especially the crafty side of me. And maybe, it will inspire you to reminisce through your own pictures and see those threads of who you are now compared to who you were then. Attention to Details Playing with Indians. This is one of many childhood pics. I was about 4 years old. I would play for hours with this PlaySkool Indian set. There…

  • aqua white and melon crochet blanket

    New Project Spotlight – Which Way Filet

    Have you ever come across a project that you look at and think ‘that looks complicated’ but then you start making the project and realize, ‘this isn’t complicated at all’?! Today’s New Project Spotlight Series shines the light on the Which Way Filet crocheted blanket by Fiber Spider provided via video instruction on YouTube. I watched a variety of versions of this blanket pass through my Pinterest and Facebook crochet group feeds from other talented crocheters. Each time, I thought ‘that looks more complicated than it’s worth’.  Let me back up and explain. I had a project or two I started on prior to this one when I got part…

  • multi color crochet series blankets

    New Project Spotlight – Crochet Series

    What are my favorite things to crochet? Well, that depends on my current crochet zen. Blankets are a definite favorite, and are probably my go-to right now.  Hats used to my thing with the cute little crocheted flower on the side — think a 1930’s flapper hat. Triangle scarves have also been a popular favorite with me. But being an avid scarf wearer, even I can only wear so many scarves. These days it’s been more about the journey of learning. Like Mikey from The Crochet Crowd has said (and I’m paraphrasing here) it’s not about speed, it’s about the experience. The journey. I’ve made it a mission to learn…

  • Pics of my week

    A week in review {at Two Pink Hibiscus}

    Today I am trying a new series where I post 5 pictures from my life in the last week or so with a bit of backstory….a week in review. My hope is that by sharing snippets and pieces of my life, it might inspire others. Not that I think I lead a hugely inspiring in life, but I tend to pick up ideas and inspiration when I read about other people’s lives. Sometimes it’s a little detail I see in a pic, even if the pic wasn’t supposed to be about that detail. Sometimes it’s a different way of looking at something that had just never occurred to me. So…

  • 30 writing challenge

    How to implement a 30 day writing challenge

    In the middle of October I challenged myself to a 30 day writing challenge. But you could pick any creative or craft challenge. My goal was to write for 30 minutes every single day. If I had stuff going on for a particular day I wasn’t allowed to batch up posts ahead of time or catch them up after the fact. The point was to establish a daily habit of writing, no matter what was going on. So on October 18, 2020 I issued myself the challenge. And 30 days later I’ve successfully attained that goal, and am thinking about how I can incorporate more of it into my life.  …

  • Fall vignette

    Thanksgiving Traditions {from our family}

    This Thanksgiving has me in a reminiscent frame of mind reveling in some of our family’s Thanksgiving traditions. Some of it has to do with the social distancing of the pandemic and the quietness that comes with it. Both things I am perfectly okay with. As I was working on our Thanksgiving Day preparations (we did our Thanksgiving on the Sunday before, and this year, it was just my boys and their respective others, who also frequent our house) I was reminded of such good memories For the past several years, my younger brother (I can’t call him “little brother” anymore since he towers over me) has hosted my side…

  • crochet blankets

    Currently I’m….{October/November edition}

    What have you been doing this past month? Here’s my mostly fun-filled month. Ironically I haven’t done this kind of a post since last year, in exactly October! Reading – just finished The 5am Club by Robin Sharma. Highly recommend. Have been very inspired by it and have already implemented some new ideas for my mornings. Started reading #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoroso. Trying – a new routine of writing for 30 minutes every single day for 30 days. So far I’ve made it through 21 consecutive days. Pinning – backpacking ideas, crochet ideas, inspiring quotes Scrapping – an album of my Dad’s growing up years and his family Going –…

  • layouts and labels

    Scrapbook Layouts and Labels

    Today’s scrapbook conversation surrounds layouts and labels. Because there have been so many pictures to put in the albums I’m making I’ve leaned towards putting as many pictures tastefully on a page as possible. And today’s layouts reflect that.  Labeling pictures with who is in the picture, when it was taken, and maybe even where it was taken has been forefront on my mine too.  I have a few suggestions to approach that. April Status April’s scrapbook goal was to finish an album of my growing up years. If you’ve been following along, I spent March finishing up each of my brothers’ albums by making scrapbook page kits to help…

  • display of two flower rings

    Crochet Flower Ring {free pattern}

    Today’s project is a crochet flower ring to get us ready for spring! These rings can be whipped up in a matter of minutes and in any color of embroidery floss you might have. The brighter the better! You can use my handy dandy crochet flower pattern that we’ve used in other posts, and it’s also listed below! “The earth laughs in flowers.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Supplies 1 shank of 6-strand embroidery floss, only need about 2-3 yards. I’ve also used 1-weight sock yarn and these turn out lovely as well. B1 (2.25MM) crochet hook Scissors Needle Ring base, I used an adjustable base with a plate on top…

  • thick crochet blanket

    Easy Thick Crochet Blanket {with free pattern}

    Today’s crochet blanket uses the alpine stitch to create an easy thick crochet blanket. The stitch is essentially a 2-row repeat, using stitches you likely already know. I was preparing for a couple days’ worth of road time driving to Florida for a vacation opportunity we scored in February. I’ve learned that while being the passenger I can crochet the time away and the day doesn’t drag on mile after mile. In fact, it usually feels like, ‘oh, we’re done driving for today already?’. Preparing for this road trip meant deciding on a new stitch along with the yarn to go with it. Road trip blankets I’ve learned need to…