lone fallen log

My own slice of humble pie

I was reading something the other day in an older Artful Blogging magazine where a baker told a story about humility. She had been making the same recipe over and over, day in and day out so much so that she could do it in her sleep. 

One day though, her baking didn’t turn out right. Like, it was terrible. But how did that happen when she could make this recipe in her sleep?  Her boss came over to assess the damage and kindly bestowed on a her a beautiful message that went something like this. (I’m paraphrasing):

When you get too bored or too cocky with your talents/skills, the {baking} gods take notice. And they will remind you of your humility by serving you up some Humble Pie.

This, the manager said, would come in the form of failed baking results. Like that day. The baker said from then on she always remembered that message. Her boss was right. She had gotten lazy and unfocused and had somehow forgotten an ingredient. She had shelved the pride she normally took in making this recipe and the baking gods took notice. She took it for granted and went on auto-pilot. From then on, the message always stayed with her.

crochet humility

I don’t think the message means that we can’t celebrate our wins or our successes. I think it means, at least for me, to always remember where you came from. You weren’t always the success at whatever it is that you do. You started as a rookie, knowing, probably next to nothing. While you might be the guru now, don’t ever let your head get too big to enter a room. While you might know the “recipe” or the “crochet pattern” you make everyday, there’s always more to learn. And staying humble opens your heart to those opportunities.

Your humbleness is an ongoing reminder that you are grateful for your talents and skills, and that you acknowledge that gratefulness to whatever deity you believe in — the universe, God, the baking gods, the crochet gods, the {insert your talent} gods.

Take the time to appreciate that your muse shows up with you every single time you use your talent and skills.

I love this message. It makes me feel as though I have a partner in this whole endeavor, even on days when I feel my pursuit of this dream can be a very lonely one. Not everyone understands what I’m trying to accomplish. And I get it. I’m not sure I would either if roles were reversed….which limits who I can share my successes with. Who I can share my frustrations with. And how I can do better than I did yesterday.

It’s not that I don’t have folks who would be happy for me just to hear about my successes, whatever they might be, but it’s different when they are fellow bloggers who understand the pitfalls and discipline it requires to do what we do. It is no different for any other career/venture. Backpackers “get” other backpackers’ experiences. Crocheters “get” other crocheters’ experiences. Painters “get” other painters’ experiences.

humble crochet

So this morning, during my journaling time I reflected on this story and its message. I gave up thanks and gratefulness that every time I have sat down to write, the words have come.  But does that mean I’m the greatest writer ever? Certainly not. I know I still have plenty to learn. But I also know that I put my heart into the words I wrote. Even if it was “just” a crochet pattern. I infused my style into the story. I allowed my muse to run with the details like running in a field of wildflowers. 

And just like today, I am thankful for my writing muse. I am thankful to God for continuing to help me to be disciplined to execute on the small, seemingly insignificant tasks I take on each day to fuel my vision that I hope will yield those results. It’s having faith in knowing that doing these “little things” each day and building the momentum can only yield the vision I have painted in my head (and on my vision board sitting above my writing desk). At least that’s the approach I’m taking.

Final Thoughts on My Own Slice of Humble Pie

What are your thoughts on Humble Pie? Have you ever been served up a slice? Leave a note in the comments below. It’ll be like our own virtual tea/coffee chat……with a virtual slice of pie.

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I’m always looking for new projects to feature. What is a new project you’ve tried and liked? Would it be a good one to shine the light on in my New Project Spotlight series? Are you an awesome crochet artist with a design you’d like to see featured here? If so, leave me a note in the comments.

In addition to several of my crochet boards on Pinterest, you might also check out my Made It, Did It, Tried It board, chuck full of a random assortment of projects, places, recipes and more that I’ve tried and liked.

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