How to Sew a Fleece Poncho for 18″ doll
Today I’m going to share one of my super simple patterns with you for a fleece poncho for 18″ dolls, which could also be worn as more of a cowl. Stick with me here and I’ll show you what I mean.
A few years ago I had a friend whose girls were into 18″ dolls (in their case, American Girl). Given the size of their family and the budget they maintained, buying official American Girl dolls clothes wasn’t always feasible. So I began making doll clothes for 18” dolls, which included the American Girl doll.

What You’ll Need for this Fleece Poncho for 18″ doll
- 7.75” x 3.5” piece of fleece (think of a long rectangle: 2 short sides and 2 long sides)
- Thread
- Sewing machine or needle

- Cut fleece to measurements above.
- Fold the fleece so the short ends are together, right sides together.
- Using about a 1/4″ seam allowance, sew a seam down short side, creating a circle of fleece. This can be done on a sewing machine, or with a needle and thread. I did mine on a sewing machine.
- Turn the fabric right side out and try it on your doll.

Voila! You’re done!
How easy was that?! You could also style it this way, more like a cowl.

Additional Ideas for a fleece poncho for 18″ doll
Here are a few more ways to design this poncho/cowl:
- Use a pinking shears to cut the fleece, creating a zig zag edging
- Using a skip stitch rotary blade, punch holes in the bottom of the poncho. Crochet an edging around the bottom.
- Use fabric paints or markers to decorate a solid-colored poncho
- Sew patches onto or embroider designs (ie. school mascot, sports team, etc.) onto the poncho
- Cut a wider piece of fleece for a really wide poncho or cowl

Final Thoughts on Fleece Poncho for 18″ Dolls
Now how easy was that?! You could whip these up for a quick birthday or Christmas present for a certain little someone.
I’d love to hear from you! Did you change up this pattern or add anything for embellishment? Leave your note in the comments below!

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Did you like today’s post about how to sew a fleece poncho for 18″ dolls? If so, check out a few of my other smaller crochet patterns (these are not for 18″ dolls though):
- Crochet Poncho for 18″ dolls
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Did you know I also have a series that features new projects I try out from other crafty designers? If you are interested in learning more about my New Project Spotlight series read my New Project Spotlight series welcome article.
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