crochet bracelet

Glitter Yarn Crochet Bracelet – Free Pattern

A crochet bracelet is such a versatile project. It can be made for casual wear, formal wear, wide, narrow, sparkly, cotton, colorful, neutral, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination (and inspiration sources – Hello Pinterest!)

I wanted to make a crocheted bracelet that could dress up a pair jeans, a trendy top, and some cute shoes. I wanted some sparkle. And I wanted it to be a bit of a statement piece to an outfit. Introducing the Glitter Yarn Crochet Bracelet.

Yarn used for the bracelet

The yarn I used was called Spangle by Premier Yarns. It is a sparkly black and gray variegated 3-weight yarn.

glitter yarn supplies
Spangle Yarn by Premier Yarns

Sizing of the bracelet

The pattern itself is quite simple, or at least the one I created was simple.  You could use any of your favorite stitches, but I kept this one pretty basic.  When working this bracelet, you’ll want to decide early on how WIDE you want the bracelet.  What embellishments, if any, do you plan to use? In my case, I found a gorgeously sparkling 1 ½” button I wanted to use. Given that, I knew it would look best on a wider bracelet.  (By the time I finished the bracelet, I decided not to use the glam button, so I’ll save it for another project.

This crochet bracelet is about 2.5” wide.

bracelet measurements
Bracelet Measurements

The length will be determined by the size of the wrist on which it will be worn. I have small wrists and I didn’t want it tight, so as I worked the beginning row I loosely wrapped it around my wrist for sizing. There may be charts online for more specific measurements, but I adhoc’d mine.

My bracelet length is almost 10” which ended up being a bit too big, okay a lot too big, and so I overlapped the ends as you’ll see in the pictures.

A button closure is the way this one is made, but again you could work that a number of different ways.  This pattern includes the buttonhole needed for the button closure. But if you would rather skip the button and make it more like a cuff, and join the ends, you could totally do that. You could also consider other jewelry style closure options like a clasp.

And finally, here’s the pattern.

Pattern for crochet bracelet

General Instructions

Yarn: 3-weight yarn; I used Spangle by Premier Yarns

Hook Size : G

Stitches Used:

  • Chain
  • Single crochet
  • Slip stitch

Chain the length needed for your wrist (or the wrist upon which it will be worn).  I chained about 42, which ended up almost 2” too long for the finished bracelet.  I would recommend cutting off about 8 chains. Turn.

Row 1: SC in the 2nd CH from hook. SC across to end of row. Turn.  (You might want to check it on the wrist again just to get a better idea – keep in mind too, yarn tends to stretch a bit with wear so tighter is probably better than looser.)

Row 2:  CH1, SC in first stitch from prior row. SC across to end of row. Turn.

Row 3-5:  Repeat Row 2.

Row 6: CH1, 2SC, 3SL ST, SC across.  (The slip stitches will create the buttonhole for the closure. I worked the slip stitches and then worked a few SC and tested out that the enclosure would be big enough to put the button through, but not too big that it wouldn’t stay put.)

Row 7: CH1, SC across until there are 5 remaining stitches, CH3, 2SC. Turn.

Row 8: CH1, 2SC, 3SC in CH3 space, SC across. Turn.

Rows 9-12: Repeat Row 2.

Fasten off. I would recommend cutting the end a bit longer so you can weave it in a bit and use it to attach the button.  That’s not exactly how mine worked out, but it’s a really good idea!  

Attach Button Closure

finished bracelet and yarn
Yarn and finished bracelet

Using the tail from the fasten off, or needle and thread (which is what I did) either weave the floss (or knot the thread) to the opposite end of the bracelet from the buttonhole.  Position the button in the center of the bracelet width where you will affix the button.

Sew the button into place.  Tie off the end.  Weave in other end. (As you can see, I had to position my button almost 2” from the end because I made the bracelet too big.

Attach Embellishment

Attach the embellishment either by sewing on a big button, or gluing embellishments. I chose not to do this step, even though I had bought a big, beautiful button for it.  The glimmer and shine of the bracelet was plenty.

Stylish Crochet Bracelet Accessory

Try on your new stylish accessory and just wait for the compliments! 

She who leaves a trail of glitter, is never forgotten.


Related Crochet Bracelet Accessories

How about adding a crocheted flower as your embellishment? Well lookie there, some crochet flower patterns for you:

Concluding Thoughts on Crochet Bracelets

This crocheted bracelet is such a versatile project.  Now try one using a different color(s), different yarn type, and/or different style (sparkly vs casual). Remember, it can be made for casual wear, formal wear, wide, narrow, sparkly, cotton, colorful, or neutral.  Just let your imagination go!

How did yours turn out? Drop me a note in the comments!

glitter bracelet on wrist

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