Feelings about gifting handmade
How many of us have gifted handmade items and wondered whether they were ever used or appreciated? It’s hard not to wonder, especially if you never see the item in a picture or anything.
And I’ve read horror stories online about handmade items that were given only to find the item a few years later at a Goodwill store!
Examples of my gifting handmade
I’ve gifted to my mother-in-law who is a retired crafter, sewer, DIYer. Obviously she appreciated my gift.
I’ve gifted to my mom, also a retired crafter, quilter, and DIYer. Also obviously appreciated my gift.
And I’ve gifted items for donation assuming the recipient was in need and therefore appreciative.

But now I’m beginning that stage of gifting to a younger generation. I’m not sure if it’s something they want. I’m not sure if they’ll appreciate the hours of labor that went in to it. I’m not sure if they’ll roll their eyes at it and I’ll find it at Goodwill.
A different perspective
But what if I change how I look at it? What if the adventure of making it was just as much for me as for anyone else? I have the crafting, crocheting, sewing, paper crafting in my blood. By allowing myself to demonstrate this creativity, isn’t there some value I get out of it?

And maybe I need to just let go of the idea that everything I gift will be loved. Haven’t I received gifts that I’ve not particularly cared for? And didn’t I pass them along to someone else who might have been excited to use them? Isn’t a handmade gift the same? Or shouldn’t it be?
I know some will say, “but Nancy, I put 100 hours into crocheting this blanket with the baby’s name and date of birth on it. Shouldn’t there be some appreciation for that?” And I suppose I might suggest this: what if the 100 hours of crocheting was a creative outlet for you and a great excuse to try your hand at customizing a blanket? What if you put all of the love into the making of it, and received all of the joy of finishing it? What if what is done with it after you gift it is, well, none of your concern? Or mine? What if it was the journey of making it and the love you put into both it and the world? And that’s it.
Enjoy the process of gifting handmade
What if we let go of wanting everything we make to be loved? We loved it. We crafted love into it. And like any other gift, we gave it because we were excited to give it. And then let it go. Move on to the next project that captures your attention.

I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m just suggesting a different way of looking at it. And if you learn through the course of time that a certain segment of your family or friends don’t appreciate these items, then maybe consider choosing a different gift to give. It’ s okay. Not everyone loves a crocheted blanket as much as you and I do. Maybe you wait for a baby to grow up a bit and make a themed blanket that child might help pick out and appreciate when they visit your house.
Bask in the glory of those times when the gift is appreciated and enjoyed and savored by the recipient. But don’t let the times that it might not have been appreciated to the level you have in your head get you down. You created something that was divinely meant to be in this world. And if the recipient doesn’t appreciate it, well, not only is it okay, but maybe it’s their loss as well. One day they’ll see that, maybe.
Final Thoughts on Gifting Handmade
But now is about you. You make the things. You give the things. You move on to new things. And be grateful that you have the talent of handmaking the things. And to know, when you lay your head down at night, that you crocheted every bit of love you have into the blanket you gifted. And that was more than enough.

What have you made and gifted? What do you think about letting the expectations go and being content with what you put into it? Leave a comment below.
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