crochet blankets

Currently I’m….{October/November edition}

What have you been doing this past month? Here’s my mostly fun-filled month. Ironically I haven’t done this kind of a post since last year, in exactly October!

Reading – just finished The 5am Club by Robin Sharma. Highly recommend. Have been very inspired by it and have already implemented some new ideas for my mornings. Started reading #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoroso.

Trying – a new routine of writing for 30 minutes every single day for 30 days. So far I’ve made it through 21 consecutive days.

Pinning – backpacking ideas, crochet ideas, inspiring quotes

Scrapping – an album of my Dad’s growing up years and his family

Going – went backpacking twice and have fallen in love with it

Nature and a female backpacker

Discovering – continued pursuit of new crochet ideas, a few new quilt ideas, and all the awesome ways to work up the patterns. New yarns, new color combos, oh my!

Enjoying – warm cups of tea in the afternoon, and sporadically warmer days despite it being fall, and implementing new routines towards creating a life I love

Feeling – pretty proud of myself for implementing and sticking with some new routines, such as writing every day.

Forgiving – the fact that we will not host Thanksgiving this year for my husband’s family due to the COVID19 circumstances nor will we have Thanksgiving on my family’s side. But will handle it with grace and do a simpler gathering with my boys and their significant other.

Celebrating – 7 years since my breast cancer diagnosis, surgery, and first chemo treatment

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Smelling – pumpkin spice candle burning in our kitchen, and French vanilla candle I light every time I sit down to write.

Thanking – thankful for a renewed energy to execute a morning routine. While I’ve gotten on and off this bandwagon over the last couple of years, I feel more committed and disciplined this time. I know my why.

Crafting – a vision board in my writing area. I have a bulletin board and have started posting a few quotes but want to incorporate more pictures.

Starting – I decided to write a check to a new-to-me charity. Because I can and therefore I should. The 5am morning book reminded me that this life is about helping others. And this is one of the ways i chose to help this past month

Crocheting – how much time do we have for this one? LOL. Actively crocheting the millstone stitch using white yarn and Mandala in Gnome. I won’t list all the other WIPS that have been patiently waiting on me

Unfinished crochet blanket

Organizing – we re-organized our garage. And I’ve organized a new writing space this past month. I’ve also re-organized my mornings by enhancing my current morning routine

Helping – a good friend organize her tubs upon tubs upon boxes of pictures. She makes me dinner, her significant other cleans up dinner, while her and I play with pictures. Very proud of the progress she’s made!

Exercising – 10 minutes of yoga each day, astronomical step counts on days we backpack

Watching – Finished Orange Is The New Black and The Queen’s Gambit. Both were good.

Thinking – I’ve been thinking A LOT about backpacking —- trails, food, weather conditions, pack weight, etc, etc, etc.

Guilty Pleasure – Halloween candy, especially chocolate! More specifically, Reese’s peanut butter cups and York peppermint patties, with a mini Hersey milk chocolate thrown in too

In my cup – coffee made at home with Amaretto creamer. I have to grab up 2 or 3 at a time when I find this creamer because it’s a limited edition

Fall favorite – the smell of fallen leaves while walking through the woods; the colorful array of trees as they paint themselves in reds, oranges, yellows, and even browns, interspersed with green conifers

Autumn morning

Nighttime – sitting outside in the middle of the woods looking up at the stars on a clear night. Can you say I’m obsessed with backpacking and being out in nature right now?!

Changing – how I live my life. What’s the saying about changing your life is in changing how you live your individual days. I really like a lot about my current life, and I have a vision for what I want my future life to be so I’m making changes in pursuit of that vision

Looking forward to – my son is working on plans for moving out. While a part of me doesn’t look forward to that at all, I know he has a whole life to live and needs to find his own place to continue that journey. Momma’s heart hurts though, but will be extremely proud of him too.

What are you currently working on, doing, experiencing, creating, focusing on, bettering, changing, well, you get the picture? I’d love to hear about what’s going on in your life so leave me a note in the comments.

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