Bates or Boye crochet hook preference

Bates or Boye – A Crochet Hook Dilemma

If you’re an avid crocheter, you’ve likely picked a preference between the Bates brand crochet hook or the Boye brand hook.  Or maybe you’re one of those ambidextrous-hookers that really doesn’t have a preference.  Like the ambidextrous people who can write with either their left hand or their right hand?  Or can throw a ball with either hand, like doesn’t everyone do that?

Just to be clear, I’m NOT one of those people.

I’m a very solid right-hander. I’ve joked before about how useless my left hand is.  In fact, when I was diagnosed and had a mastectomy on my right side, my right arm and hand were jeopardized during recovery and rehabilitation.  I joked that not having my right arm/hand was like having no hands at all.  My left arm/hand is not as muscular, coordinated, or really overall as useful. LOL.

I say that, but I’m very grateful for my left side, but it’s more like an office manager is to the owner of a business.  The owner makes all the decisions, but the office manager really runs the office and is considered second in command.  That analogy actually elevates the usefulness of my left side.  So it’s back in good standing now. 😉

Crochet hook function

The function of the crochet hooks is essentially the same. The design of the hooks is definitely different…..unless you’re that ambidextrous-hooker. And I wonder if the hook preference is based on what you started with.  Whoever taught you to crochet, what did they use? 

Hook design

Comparison of crochet hook design

The neck and hook design impact your “crochet flow”. The angles on each crochet hook are just slightly different enough to have an impact.  I’ve also read that this subtle design difference can have an actual impact on your finished project, different than say, from the project creator. And that even the hook can have a different impact on your crochet flow all the way down to the yarn type….that certain yarns flow better on certain hooks. Interesting, huh?

Both brands seem to have been around for years. But many crocheters have a definite preference on which crochet hook they use, almost to the point of superiority.  “Bates is definitely better.” Or, “We can’t be friends any longer if you don’t use Boye.” {said jokingly}

My preferred crochet hook (can we still be friends?)

For me?  I’ve used both, but I’m a Bates girl.  A good friend of mine is a definite Boye girl. So when we get together and if either of us has to borrow a hook from the other one, we usually start questioning our friendship priorities (jokingly of course).

It’s usually something along the lines of, “I’m not sure how we’re still friends since you use those hooks”. And then the person using the borrowed hook crochets along like they’re using their opposite hand to write. It’s probably not THAT bad.  It’s doable, but just doesn’t feel the same.

So what is your preference, Bates or Boye?  Or is there another brand you prefer?  I have a few hooks that aren’t marked with their brand, but as long as they are more similar to the Bates design, then I don’t even notice.   I want to hear about whether you’re pro-Bates or pro-Boye? Leave a comment below!

Bates or Boye – A Crochet Hook Dilemma

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