childhood crafting

Childhood crafting turned adult crafting

How many of you crafted as a kid? And how many of you transformed that enjoyment into crafting as an adult? When I was a kid crafts were an enjoyment. I grew up in the country and most of my friends were only seen at school.

My parents were DIYers.  My mom had grown up on a farm, a working farm, and had learned the values associated with hard work and sacrifice, including how to make things last. My dad worked a full time job in engineering and could fix anything.

childhood crafting

Childhood crafts

As a child I mostly enjoyed school. While I was never the star student, I did spend time studying and doing homework and did pretty well. But it wasn’t without focused studying. I wasn’t one of those people who could show up to a test without studying.

childhood or adult crafting

Crafting back then looked a little different than it does today for me. Besides some of the Spirograph sets and Fashion Plates sets, I recall one of my earliest crafting ventures being plastic canvas. I’m pretty sure my mom got into it and then showed me. Around that same time, I learned how to cross stitch and sew.  This early stitching taught me how to follow instructions, how to follow through on a project ( ie. tucking yarn ends), how to follow a graph, among other lessons.

teenage crafting

Transition to adult crafting

As I got closer to my teenage years, I learned how to crochet. I’ll admit I can’t say I caught the crochet bug until much later in life though. Eventually there were more crafts —- scrapbooking, papercrafting, knitting, general crafting like working with raffia and wood blocks and such, quilting.

pumpkin crafts

I feel some form of crafting has always been a part of my life. While there have been pockets of time that it has sat on a back burner, there have been plenty more times where it has, and is, a regular part of my life.

Adult crafting

As I got into my 30’s, I picked up a new friend who was into papercrafting and crochet. She is who inspired me to pull out my yarn and crochet hooks after many years of laying dormant.  Shortly after, you could say I caught the crochet bug.

Making my own patterns

I learned the logistics of making hats and created my own patterns through lots of trial and error. But they were MY patterns. I donated tons of blankets and hats and scarves to charities through those years.

New challenges

Now that I’m in my 40s I have a renewed focus on learning the depths of this craft. I actively seek out new stitches, new patterns, and new ideas. I love seeing the creativity of other awesome crocheters and yearn to have the same. Uniqueness with a flair for challenge.

crochet blanket


In looking back on my 40+ years, crafting has been a constant. A tranquility in a busy life. A chance to sit still and work with my hands. A chance to connect with my ancestors —- Grandmas especially — that had honed their own craft. Think crocheted doilies and counted cross stitch. There is a sense of accomplishment at taking some balls of string, a metal hook and working the magic of crochet into an heirloom blanket or a baby’s first hat, or even an everyday blanket that’s used on the couch.

Final Thoughts on Childhood Crafting turned Adult Crafting

Crafting will always be a part of my life. It is soothing. It is challenging. It is part of who I am. And I am so very thankful I was introduced to it with such love. I hope that one day I might pass that craft love on to someone else. For now, I choose to keep this love alive through my blog. A crafting legacy if you will.

How did you get started in crafting? Or crocheting? What were some of your first craft experiences? Have you been able to pass on your love of the craft to someone else? Leave a note in the comments below. I’d love to hear about it!

adult crafting supplies

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Did you know I also have a series that features new projects I try out from other crafty designers? If you are interested in learning more about my New Project Spotlight series read my New Project Spotlight series welcome article.

I’m always looking for new projects to feature. What is a new project you’ve tried and liked? Would it be a good one to shine the light on in my New Project Spotlight series? Are you an awesome crochet artist with a design you’d like to see featured here? If so, leave me a note in the comments.

In addition to several of my crochet boards on Pinterest, you might also check out my Made It, Did It, Tried It board, chuck full of a random assortment of projects, places, recipes and more that I’ve tried and liked.

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