About Me

Welcome! My name is Nancy and I started Two Pink Hibiscus as a place to chronicle my crafting adventures and to inspire others to pursue their own crafting journey.

A little bit about me. I’m married to my best friend and we raised a blended family of 3 boys. I should say men. They are all adults now, but in my heart they’re always ‘my boys’.

We also entertain a cat, 2 dogs, and a rotating door of fish.

I came into the crafting world at a young age. My mom was a DIY’er, gardener, cook, you name it. She made my clothes, my dolls’ clothes, she cooked every day, she gardened, knitted, canned, and did everything within a budget. And she taught me almost all of it. I grew up in the country and filled many of my days with drawing, coloring, writing, reading, or engrossed in a new craft.

I made plastic canvas tissue boxes and ornaments in my pre-teen heyday. Does anyone remember that craft?

I begrudgingly learned to garden, but being 10 years old weeding was NOT my idea of fun.  I really just hated it — fast forward 25 years and I came to appreciate the gardening skills she bestowed on me.  My thumb will never be greener than hers though!

As I moved into my twenties and thirties, had kids, started climbing the corporate ladder, finished college, and got married, divorced, and remarried, I continued to maintain a craft collection and would dabble here and there. I had always wanted a storefront of some sort, whether it was a brick and mortar store, or later, an online venue.

While I had learned how to sew and crochet and a little bit of needlework, I continued to pick up new skills like scrapbooking, quilting, and knitting, to name a few. 

I guess you could say crafting was in my blood. While there were periods of my life when I didn’t craft every day, I always kept a solid set of supplies that I could dip into at a moment’s notice. Another thing I learned from Mom.

I now craft on a regular basis whether it’s crocheting with a friend, scrapbooking with my mom, or making a quilt for my mother-in-law, I seem to keep multiple projects going at any given time. And that’s how I like it because I don’t always know what I’ll feel like working on that day.  Multiple projects gives me choices. I like choices, especially craft-related ones.

I decided to start Two Pink Hibiscus as a way to document the various crafts I was making and skills I was developing. At one time I had relied on numerous blogs to inspire some of the projects I made. And now I wanted to be that person for someone else. 

So, why ‘Two Pink Hibiscus’ as the name?  Well, I believe I was given a second chance at life…a nod to the ‘Two’.  And that second chance was the result of being a breast cancer survivor — the ‘Pink’. 

And the ‘Hibiscus’? Well the hibiscus plant always reminds me a bit of a wild child. A gypsy of sorts. And while I’m probably more straight-laced than I’d care to admit, I love the idea of letting my inner child run a little more free, or wild. And my idea of freedom always comes back to crafting and putting my heart into a handmade treasure.

I’m so glad you stopped by. Feel free to look around, and stay a while.  Enjoy the projects, the memories, and the inspiration!
