Pics of my week

A week in review {at Two Pink Hibiscus}

Today I am trying a new series where I post 5 pictures from my life in the last week or so with a bit of backstory….a week in review. My hope is that by sharing snippets and pieces of my life, it might inspire others. Not that I think I lead a hugely inspiring in life, but I tend to pick up ideas and inspiration when I read about other people’s lives. Sometimes it’s a little detail I see in a pic, even if the pic wasn’t supposed to be about that detail. Sometimes it’s a different way of looking at something that had just never occurred to me.

So for my other kindred souls, off we go.

Writing desk

A week in review writing challenge

My writing desk has been in use for about a month or two now. I’m including it in this weekly review because it’s where I have spent an hour each morning writing and working on blog posts. I love the simplicity of it.  You can read more about my writing space and the 30 day writing challenge (click on the link) I issued for myself.


A week in review Woman backpacker pointing to trail symbol

My husband and I have gone on 4 backpacking trips since the beginning of October. We even moved the small Thanksgiving with our boys to the Sunday before so we could go backpacking on Thanksgiving Day. We backpack on Day 1, find a camp, spend the night, and then backpack out on Day 2. We’ve only kept it to a 1-night mini-vacation for now. We enjoy the hiking, witnessing new vistas, and soaking up the pine groves, moonlight, and sunrises. I have an idea for tying those trips into crafting ventures, so stay tuned for that one. And yes, we packed turkey, dressing, and cranberries for our lunch on Thanksgiving Day Thursday.

Inspirational Quote

A week in review would not be complete without an inspiring quote. I’m a bit of a quote junkie. I love seeing quotes on my Pinterest feed and Facebook feed. In fact, you can see I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to quotes.  This week’s inspiration quote:

I woke up one day and realized that I could do better. I could create a job I love, travel more if I wanted it bad enough, take control of my health and find weird and wonderful friends to go on adventures with. I started walking toward that truth and I never looked back. — Brooke Hampton

This one hit my soul when I read it. I’ve been making changes in my life to craft the life I envision all the while enjoying the journey. I’ve incorporated more travel, in the form of backpacking. I’ve been grateful for my health, and would add that I’ve also take control of my life in that I have a vision that I am working towards. And for the weird and wonderful friends? I have a few of those already and would like to add to my circle. And now that I’ve been making changes and incorporating new routines and rituals and habits, it’s hard NOT to do those things now. So I’ve walked toward that truth and I’m not looking back.

Thanksgiving Décor

A week in review Fall vignette

Because of the pandemic this year, our Thanksgiving traditions were mostly eliminated. We had a small celebration of just our boys and their significant others. It was a new way to spend Thanksgiving, and gave us a taste of what it might be like in later years. Setting the stage for this little dinner has made the house have a really warm, holiday glow to it and we are soaking in all of the ambience. You can read more about our Thanksgiving traditions.

My current crochet project

A week in review Unfinished crochet blanket

This week in review would also be incomplete without my current project. I’m usually always working on something. This past week it has been a crocheted blanket I’m working on using the millstone stitch. Once I finish it I’ll post a link here. This blanket has been one that I’ve let sit for spans of time. Not really sure why, because I enjoy watching the colors unfold in the wavy pattern. But nonetheless, a crochet project is never far from my reach and this is the one currently dancing on my hook.

Final thoughts

That is my week in review — 5 pics from my life last week. I’m counting the inspirational quote as a picture for any of the uber-observant that counted. 🙂

If you were to look back on your week, what would be something you would include in your weekly review? Something you are pursuing or something you accomplished? Even getting a new baby to sleep through the night counts! Or a new puppy potty-trained. Leave a note in the comments.

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